
ViewSonic 尊重環境,並鼓勵綠色生活。

全球垃圾量持續增加,對環境造成嚴重影響。ViewSonic Europe 致力於成為 負責任的企業與社會公民,積極推動環保行動,減少廢棄物對地球的影響。我們不僅在產品設計上融入 永續概念,同時鼓勵 綠色生活方式,以最大努力為環境保護貢獻一己之力,推動更永續的未來。



Being a visual solution leading company, ViewSonic reduces environmental impact by developing more energy efficient products, adopting green packaging, and improving manufacturing and transportation procedures. To set aggressive emission reduction targets and commit to achieving short/long term goals, we joined Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in October 2022 and have committed to reaching net-zero value chain GHGs emissions by no later than 2050.

Reaching a status of science-based net-zero emissions implies the following two conditions: • Achieving a scale of value chain emission reductions consistent with the depth of abatement at the point of reaching global net-zero in pathways that limit warming to 1.5°C with no or low overshoot. • Neutralizing the impact of any source of any residual emissions by permanently removing an equivalent volume of atmospheric CO2.

Policy for High-Risk Minerals

Minerals such as Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten, Gold (3TG), and Cobalt are mined in conflict-affected or high-risk areas such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries, the revenue from the mining and trading of these minerals is a source of funding for armed groups and anti-government forces carrying out atrocities and human rights abuses. Minerals sourced from such conflict-affected or high-risk areas have the potential to promote conflict, human rights violations, and environmental degradation. ViewSonic considers mining to be an intensive process involving social and environmental risks. ViewSonic believes that the mining of metals and minerals, including Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, Gold (so-called conflict minerals) and Cobalt mined in the DRC, as well as other minerals mined in other regions, must be managed. ViewSonic’s policy is that we want no part in any human rights violations or environmental destruction. While sourcing minerals that originate in conflict-affected or high-risk areas, we will not, by any means, tolerate, knowingly profit from, contribute to, assist with or facilitate the commission by any party of any form of human rights violations or abuses, or support operations that result in the degradation of socioeconomic and environmental stability. As a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), we require suppliers to adhere to this policy and expect them to support and promote compliance within the supply chain. ViewSonic takes the following actions to responsibly source minerals used in ViewSonic Monitor products. 1. Notify suppliers of the responsible minerals sourcing policy and code of conduct (harmonized with the RBA code of conduct). SREA 2. Identify and prioritize minerals for inclusion in our responsible sourcing strategy (currently Tin, Tungsten, Tantalum, Gold, and Cobalt) for our supply chains. 3. Require suppliers to conduct due diligence on prioritized minerals in accordance with OECD Guidance and provide routine reporting using the tools developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to enable supply chain transparency. 4. Ensure that minerals are procured only from smelters and refiners verified as compliant with the Responsible Minerals Assurance Program (RMAP) developed by the RMI. ViewSonic requires smelters and refiners to obtain proof of compliance through their supply chains. 5. Continue to collect relevant information regarding industry trends, customer reactions, and movements in the US, EU, and other regions to assure continued compliance to future regulations. Please find our Responsible Minerals Report.


ViewSonic 致力於可回收設計,以減少產品生命週期結束時對環境的影響,同時降低回收成本。我們的 Eco Design 環保設計理念,不僅專注於提升產品的整體環保效能,更希望透過零件回收再利用,推動循環經濟發展,延長產品價值鏈。 透過持續優化 可回收設計,我們努力將更多產品材料納入 永續循環體系,減少電子廢棄物,降低資源消耗,為環境保護貢獻一份力量。

ViewSonic Europe 的廢棄管理原則符合 歐盟指令 2012/19/EU(廢棄電子電器設備準則,WEEE),確保電子產品的 妥善回收與環保處理。我們已與多個國家的回收組織 合作,提供 合規且高效的回收系統,以減少電子廢棄物對環境的影響。 如需進一步了解回收資訊,顧客可在購買時查詢,或直接聯繫 ViewSonic 服務合作夥伴取得詳細資訊,共同為永續環境盡一份心力。