Thank you for choosing ViewSonic products! What you purchased are not just quality products from ViewSonic, but also our responsive and friendly service.
Every product from ViewSonic comes with warranty details, printed or electronic user manuals, and its drivers in its package. These manuals and drivers provide detailed instructions to ensure effective usage of the product effectively. However, if you encounter any problems, you may wish to contact our Customer Care staff at 1800 88 8997 or email,尋求協助。
ViewSonic 產品隨附相關物件,包括使用者手冊、保固資訊、驅動程式。
在 ViewSonic 網站上,您可以獲得所需的協助 "軟體與產品文件下載" 和 "知識庫"ViewSonic 支援服務專區。
如果您在使用 ViewSonic 產品時遇到問題,歡迎電洽 0800-899880、行動電話請撥打付費客服專線: 02-2244-5880 (我幫幫您) 與我們的客服人員聯繫,或透過以下寄送電子郵件給我們:。在工作日 (非國定假日) 的上午 9:00 至下午 6:00 提供電話服務。
欲了解 ViewSonic 產品 (包括 DOA) 的保固條款和條件,請先閱讀我們的產品保固資訊。
如果您需要維修 ViewSonic 產品,則可以在此處獲取所需資訊。