“ColorPro 國際微影節:征服自身的信念 大約三年前,我做出了我人生中最艱難的決定,但也是我做過的最好的決定……”
在技術和效能方面,ColorPro 是 Mac 的最佳搭檔。DCI-P3 色域的 95% 覆蓋率擁有與 Apple 的 Retina 顯示器相同的色域。我們的 ICC Bridge 確保 ICC設定檔自動與顯示器上相同的顏色配對。Mac 中的 Colour Sync 會將色彩一致化。90W USB-C 只需連接一條傳輸線即可提供音訊、影像、 資料和電源等功能,既快速又簡便。
通過 VESA 認證是邁向只有全球前 15% 最優良顯示器符合標準的重要一步。真正 8-bit 的圖像品質、動態對比度的全局調光以及 400 cd/m2 的最高亮度。Nano IPS技術嵌入一層額外的背光奈米粒子,以達到更廣、更亮的色域。呈現獨一無二好萊塢品質的觀看體驗。
Delta E<2 的色彩準確度讓 VP2776 有驚艷的色彩再現,與肉眼所見的色彩幾乎沒有區別,確保您的影像和照片色彩真實度。
Delta E < 2
一個點擊或旋轉就能即時調整色彩,ColorPro 色彩校正器界面的靈敏度、平衡度和精確校準功能完美協調。與創作者的手合為一體的創作體驗,絕對感到不可思議。
只需單擊或旋轉 ColorPro 色彩校正器,就可即時使用相容的 Adobe Creative Suite 或 Capture One編輯軟體,和螢幕顯示放大和縮小、調整畫筆大小、亮度設定、透明度等等。
ColorPro 色彩校正器能輕鬆調整螢幕顯示參數,只要點擊和旋轉即可滾動並調整亮度、對比度等等。
內建的 Backstage Light™ 照明燈可在暗房環境下提供照明。有白光、暖白光和黃光可選擇,讓您隨意變換燈光。
以領先業界的鍵盤、影像、滑鼠(KVM)轉換器技術讓您可以使用單個鍵盤和滑鼠控制周邊設備,並在多台電腦上的應用程式之間切換。Windows 和 Mac OS 系統用戶都可以避免多傳輸線造成的混亂,享受USB-C 連接單傳輸線即可管理充電、大量資料傳輸和影像的好處。
Smoother Workflow
After 50 years of monitor evolution, we strove to reimaginethe human/technology interface. Our purpose was to revolutionize your creativeworkflow, to make it smoother, faster and more intuitive.Fueled by thissingle-minded passion, we reached a juncture where form equals function yielding thebeauty of an exquisite minimalist design.
We launched our productdevelopment journey with zero assumptions about where it would lead us.Our starting point was to interview color-conscious creative professionalsto analyze their process and workflow.
Armed with that knowledge, we set out to demonstrate that no other brandunderstands your needs better than ColorPro. And created a professional colorcalibration monitor to surpass all expectations.
In nature’s beauty,everything exists for a reason, serves its purpose, and functionsexactly as it should - thanks to thousands of years of evolution.With this ‘form equals function’ concept as the basis for ourdesign, we observed nature to spark our inspiration which led to manyinnovations. The end result is a monitor that performs as beautifully as itlooks.
No single aspect of the ColorPro VP76monitor is the one key its winning awards. Rather the merging of aesthetic beauty, idealfunctions and usability is the result of details that combine to merit the recognition.