How to manually install LED monitor drivers under Win10 64-bits?

If you're not able to install your monitor drivers with the driver pack "Standard Monitor Driver Signed Windows 10 x64 " downloaded from ViewSonic website, please follow below instruction to manually install Win10 x64 driver. 1. Download the attached ZIP file including monitor drivers to your PC and extract it. 2. Under "Control Panel",...

Should I install MacOS drivers for my monitor?

MacOS does not require monitor drivers when using a ViewSonic monitor. The MacOS will automatically read the EDID information stored in the monitor and use the system information/profiler utility to detect the monitor’s specifications and capabilities.  If you can not get native resolution or refresh rate on the monitor:   Please check if ...

Which Cable Do I Need For 144Hz?

To output:   1.1080p content at 144Hz, you will need either a dual-link DVI, a DisplayPort, or an HDMI 1.3 or higher cable.    2. 1440p at 144Hz, you will need at least an HDMI 2.0 or a DisplayPort 1.2 cable.   3.4K at 144Hz, you will need a HDMI 2.1 or a DisplayPort 1.4 cable which can carry 120Hz signal without compression.

How to restore the default settings of my monitor?

Please follow below steps:   Open OSD menu:               (1) For monitors with [1] and [2] buttons on the front panel, press the number “1” button on the                     monitor.               (2) For monitors with buttons behind the monitor, press the second button from the top.                (3) For monitors with a joystick...

How to set proper Response Time with Viewsonic monitors?

Response time option can be selected under different View Mode. Viewmode => Standard => Response time => Standard / Advanced / Ultra fast  Viewmode => Game => Response time => Standard / Advanced / Ultra fast In both cases, while selecting the “Advanced” or even “Ultra fast”, it brings a very strong ghosting effect and blurry while scro...

What is "Black stabilization" and which level should I choose?

This setting is to provide better picture performance if user’s screen are mostly dark scenes. If no special needs(ex: playing shooting games in dark scenes), it is suggested to turn off.

How to solve the problem with my monitor as it turns off automatically?

If the monitor turns on briefly, then turns off, check the following: Make sure the power cable is securely connected. Turn off the monitor, unplug the power cable for 15 seconds and plug the power cable back then turn on. Check the video cable and make sure it is connected on both ends securely.           Reset the factory default ...

How to Install Unsigned Drivers in Windows 10

When installing unsigned drivers on Windows 10, Windows pops up a warning saying Windows can’t verify the publisher of this driver software.        The following are instructions on how to install unsigned drivers in Windows 10.    NOTE: Checking driver signatures is a security feature in Windows, and disabling it is not rec...

How to set power lock and menu lock?

On some monitors, there is a power button lock that locks the power and power button in the ON position.  There is also a menu lock feature which can lock and unlock the OSD (On-Screen Display) Menu.  Power Lock: To lock the Power Button press and hold both the [1] button and the down arrow button for 10 seconds.  OSD Lock: ...


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