Fișa produsului referitoare la calitățile și caracteristicile de mediu

Art. R.541-221 și R.541-222 din Codul mediului

Supplier’s name or trade mark ViewSonic
Supplier’s address Haaksbergweg 75, 1101 BR, Amsterdam Netherlands
Product Name LCD Display
Model Name VG2409-MHDU-2
Model Number VS20138
Product product comprising at least 0% of recycled materials
Packaging packaging comprising at least 68% of recycled materials
Product mostly recyclable product
Packaging 96% fully recyclable packaging
Presence of precious metals Contains at least 1 milligram of precious metals
Presence of rare earths Contains at least 1 milligram of rare earths
Presence of dangerous substances Contains a substance of very high concern: Lead, CAS# 7439-92-1