- Kompatybilność
PC: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
- Złącze
Moc: Share with USB
Video: USB2.0
USB: x 1
Nachylenie: 11°~85°
- Moc
Napięcie: 12V / 2A
Zużycie energii: 6.5 W
- Warunki pracy
Temperatura: 32°F to 104°F (0°C to 40°C)
Wilgotność powietrza: 20% - 80%(Max), Non-Condensation
- Wymiary
Physical (in / mm): 15.35” x 11.41” x 0.88” inch / 390 x 290 x 22.35 mm
Box (in / mm): 17.87” x 14.76” x 5.11” inch / 454 x 375 x130 mm
- Waga
Waga netto (lb / kg): 1.88 kg
Brutto (Ib/kg): 2.39 kg
1. Pen Display x1 2. Quick Star Guide x1 3. Driver CD x1 4. USB 2.0 Y-cable x1 5. Replacement tool of Pen tip x1 6. Pen x1 7. Pen tip x3 8. Warranty card x1(VSCN only) 9. Pen rope x1 10. User Guide x1 (e-file) *Actual content may differ from market to market