Configuring UNIVERSE LTI 1.3 Assignment Tool for BlackBoard

Prerequisites for configuring LTI 1.3 Assignment Tool

  • The owner and admin of UNIVERSE account have configured tool permission while the teacher only has the permission to add new assignments.

  • Don’t register this configuration more than once in your BlackBoard platform.  Only the first one would be valid to use. If the admin wants to remove this tool, just delete them from developer key lists and contact your instructors to remove assignments related to this tool.

  • Launching the tool and opening UNIVERSE successfully requires users to download the newest version of UNIVERSE and open it at least once.

Step 1: Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool

  • Log into BlackBoard as an Administrator.

  • Click Admin Panel and find the Integrations.

  • Click the LTI Tool Providers from Integrations Panel.

  • Click Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool tab on the LTI Tool Providers page.

  • Copy the following Client ID and paste it into the BlackBoard Client ID field. 

  • Click Submit to access into TOOL STATUS page.

  • Approved tool status.

  • Under Institution Policies, enable Role in Course, Name, and Email Address.

  • Selected YES to allow all access.

  • Click Submit.

Step 2: Register deployment ID and domain in UNIVERSE Manager


  • Log in to BlackBoard.

  • Click Admin Panel and find the Integrations.

  • Click the LTI Tool Providers from Integrations Panel.

  • Hover over the UNIVERSE: Assignment Tool just registered, and click the drop-down menu icon.

  • Click Edit.

  • Copy the Client ID, Deployment ID, and Domain to paste into the UNIVERSE Manager.


  • Log in to UNIVERSE Manager.

  • Click the LTI Settings from the navigation.

  • Set the Calendar State to ON.

  • Click Add Instance, then select Type to Assignment.

  • The Add Instance screen will appear below.

  • Paste the Site Domain of your BlackBoard site.
    * Make sure the copied link is without a slash at the end of the site domain.

  • Paste the Client ID, and Deployment ID from BlackBoard on this page.

  • Note is the optional field to let you write down any reminding notes.

Step 3: Install the app in BlackBoard Course (for the instructor)

  • Click Admin Panel and find Acting in the Courses panel.

  • Click Acting.

  • Click Content from the side menu.

  • Click Build Content, then click Web Link.

  • Edit Assignment Name.

  • Copy the Share assignment link from UNIVERSE Manager.

  • Paste the sharing link to this URL field.

  • Selected No to stay in the same window.

  • Click Submit.

Step 4  Launch the tool

  • Click Admin Panel and find Acting in the Courses panel.

  • Click Acting.

  • In the Acting menu, click the Content.

  • Click the newly added to launch the tool.

Last modified: 2023 júl.