How to play 3D content from Blu-Ray player to projectors?

1. Here are the hardware requirements to play 3D content below.
    a. 3D ready projector
    b. 3D Blu-Ray player
    c. 3D content
    d. Active 3D glasses 144Hz
    e. HDMI Premium Certificate cable


2. Here is the playback process below.


    a. Connect the 3D Blu-Ray player to the 3D capable projector via HDMI cable.


    b. Turn on projector and 3D Blu-Ray player, switch input source on projector to HDMI port which connects to 3D Blu-Ray player, then play 3D content.


    c. Make sure that 3D glasses have been charged and power on by the power button on 3D glasses.

Note: If a receiver is being used in this case that it must also support 3D pass through, otherwise the 3D image will not be transferred correctly.

3. The 3D settings on ViewSonic projectors are enabled as default settings. 

If you need to change the 3D settings, please refer to User Guide.


Naposledy upraveno: říj 2024

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