Unable to wake up Intel NUC when connected to an IFP50-2 series display

If you are experiencing difficulty waking up your Intel NUC computer while it is connected to the IFP50-2, please follow the steps below.


● IFP50-2 Series Display

● Intel NUC (10th Gen)

● Intel NUC: Aptio V BIOS (Models after 2019)


1. Power on the Intel NUC and tap F2 upon the boot splash screen.

2. Select the "Power" tab.

3. Change "Sleep Type Support" to "Legacy S3 Standby".

4. You will be prompted to confirm the change.

WARNING: Changing this setting may cause corruption to the Intel NUC's operating system.

5. The Intel NUC should now be woken up by the IFP50-2 series display.

最新修改: 2020 12月


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