The myViewBoard application seems blurry in extended large display setup.

Issue Description 

Users may experience blurry icons when using the myViewBoard for Windows application after scaling from an HD screen to a 4K screen on an extended display setup. Similar issues may occur when users extend their PC display to a ViewBoard with a larger screen and higher resolution.

Please note: The objects on the canvas remain sharp and clear; only the icons on the toolbars may appear blurry.



 [image 1] Users experience blurry icons

Recommended Actions

To adjust the resolution of extended screens, please adjust the display settings and set the 4K screen as the main screen:

  1. In Windows, go to: Settings > Display.

    - Make the screen "my main display" (image 2).

    - Click Advanced scaling settings (image 3) and enable Fix scaling for apps.

  2. Relaunch the application.

    Please close and reopen the application or left-click the toolbar icon to "Relaunch the app".



[image 2] Choose the 4K screen as "my main display"


[image 3] Enter Advanced scaling settings

dernières modifications: aoû 2024

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